Helping grieving women who have experienced pregnancy, infant, or child loss take actionable steps towards navigating their grief, feelings of isolation and overwhelm—without feeling judged, misunderstood, or pressured to “move on”

living forward: a mother's journey through grief |

living forward: a mother's journey through grief |

Hi, I’m Jen, your motherhood grief coach

I help grieving women like you who have experienced pregnancy, infant or child loss take actionable steps towards navigating their grief and feelings of isolation and overwhelm so you can honor your loss in meaningful ways, find ways to connect with your partner and loved ones again and begin reshaping your sense of purpose.

We leave the feelings of being judged, misunderstood and pressured to “move on” at the door so you can take your next steps into living forward with grief.

If this hits home, please hear me:

You are not alone. I hear this every day with the women I work with.

grief support pregnancy loss miscarriage child loss

Grieving mom, maybe some of this resonates with you:

  • You feel overwhelmed with the enormity of your loss. This pregnancy, this baby, this child meant and means everything. Your grief ripples through your present reality and you also find yourself grieving for your former self and your future self — what could have been.

  • You are feeling like the world is going along its merry way outside your window while you are frozen, shattered.

  • You feel enormous guilt when you laugh, do something fun or engage in relationships in the way you did previously — you wonder “am I betraying my baby?”, “what would my child think?”, “do I deserve to be happy when my child is no longer here?” and the list goes on and on.

  • Part of you knows that you have to keep moving forward but thoughts of “moving on” or “getting over it” make you want to vomit. You don’t want to move on. You do not want to get over it.

  • You’re used to being in control. You typically handle your emotions, stressors and change with relative ease. But grief just destroyed that. Finding your foothold is seeming impossible.

miscarriage infant loss child loss grief support

No woman ever plans for this chapter of grief to be a part of their journey into or within motherhood. There is healing ahead, let’s begin to create your roadmap.

There is healing

You can find healing on this painful journey. I help women like you as we work together through the Living Forward Framework in my signature program designed intentionally for women like you.

Living Forward Framework milestones:

  • Learn about grief and how it is showing up uniquely for you. We ditch the myths about grief and explore the realities of grief and mourning. Your grief is like your fingerprint. It will show up in all areas of your life.

  • Connect with your baby or child in grief, creating meaningful rituals and memorializing actions that help you feel connected and that you are keeping your child’s memory alive.

  • Thoughtfully consider what motherhood means to you in the wake of this loss. Whether you are actively engaged in mothering while grieving this painful loss or staring down the road at an uncertain future—your motherhood journey is different than you thought it would be. We’ll explore what this looks like for you and compassionately consider the next steps on this journey.

  • Take steps towards reconnecting with areas of your life that still matter to you — relationships (your partner, loved ones, friends), career, hobbies… which leads us to:

  • Honor and explore the guilt that comes up when you engage in acts of living forward. We will come up with strategies for expanding your thinking to include self compassion, hope and meaningful integration of your loss.

  • Untangle perfectionism, control-seeking and other hang-ups that can try to trip you up as you navigate the unknown of grief.

miscarriage grief support

Sound like what you need? Set up a free consultation call to learn more.

The Living Forward Program for women who have experienced pregnancy, infant or child loss

Combining compassionate coaching, modern grief education and group support, this twelve week program meets you right where you are — in all of the messiness of grief.

Modern Grief Education

You’ve already tried talking with family or friends (that don’t always get it), listening to podcast episode after episode, adding more books to your to-read list than you count.

  • In the Living Forward Framework will cut through the noise and zero in on what matters most: exploring and understanding YOUR grief.

  • As you build understanding of your grief fingerprint through the Living Forward Framework, you will:

    • build coping tools to care for intense emotions

    • honor your loss through practices or rituals that feel meaningful to you

    • decrease the loneliness of grief within your daily life and within the program

    • create a sustainable plan for daily life while carrying your grief

    • notice, honor and celebrate your progress and prepare for continued growth

Community of Support

In addition to the Living Forward Framework, you will be invited to a weekly group coaching call with other women who get it. This safe space is here for you to:

  • share about your loss and your grief

  • reflect on what you’re learning in the Living Forward Framework Modules

  • receive real-time support from other women on the journey and decrease the isolation that is so prominent with pregnancy, infant and child loss

  • learn that though our stories may differ, grief has shaped each group member in unexpected, scary and often overwhelming ways. The grief carried by each person is a reflection of deep love, hopes and dreams forever changed.

Compassionate Coaching

With well over a decade of experiencing supporting grieving women who have experienced pregnancy, infant and child loss, along with a personal deep familiarity with grief — Jen will expertly guide you as you begin to create your path to living forward. In the 12 week program you will:

  • receive real-time support from Jen in the group coaching calls AND receive support from Jen in the Living Forward private community

  • through real-time and asynchronous connection, you will have tailored support and feedback that will help you continue building the tools you need for your specific circumstances to compassionately approach living forward

grief support for miscarriage child loss

The Details: Living Forward Grief Coaching Program

  • 12 Week Program includes:

    • Expertly designed grief education course

    • Weekly group coaching call with Jen (recorded if you’re not able to make it)

    • Private, secure online platform for support during the week from Jen and members of the Living Forward community

  • The total cost for the 12 week program including the Living Forward Framework grief education course, weekly calls and access to community support is $3,500.

    Special note: with the launch of Living Forward in Winter 2025, the first three women to enroll will receive a modified investment of $1,500 along with opportunities to share feedback on program pacing, features and structure.

  • Schedule your free consultation call to discuss further and see if Living Forward would support you in your grief. There’s no need to walk this journey alone. Book now.

  • You are not alone. I hear this every day from the women I work with on their motherhood grief journey.

  • Healing is possible. Find YOUR living forward path is possible.

  • You do not have to go on this journey alone.